Thoughts on Story of Mohini Ekaadashi
Fast on the 11th day of Vaishak Shukla Pacha (moving towards full moon) is Mohini Ekaadashi. Often associated with the only female avatar of Vishnu, Mohini (goddess of enchantment), Mohini Ekaadashi is also about day of fast directed towards shedding Moha , the illusions of emotions that cause us to be attached to this world and temporal relations. The story is simple and like all good short tales, it is direct so there is not much confusion on the final message of shedding addictions, attachment and illusions through fasting. Story in Short Dhrishtabuddhi is born into great privilege in a prosperous and influential family indulges in a hedonistic lifestyle filled with drinking and engaging prostitutes. Eventually, his own actions lead him to a life of crimes and he eventually ends up being a lonely feral, barely surviving in the forest. A sage, he meets in the forest, tells him of the Mohini Fast to help him get rid of fast to be tama (extremely indulgences & high tendency ...