Vishnushayani Ekaadashi: Fasting for well-being of the nation and fellow citizens
Fast on the 11th day of Aashaadh Shukla Paksha (the waxing phase of the moon heading towards Purnima, the full moon) in the month of Aashaadh is Vishnushayani Ekaadashi. Also known by names like Devshayani, Harivasar, Harishayani, Shayani, and Padmaa Ekaadashi. This Ekaadashi also marks the beginning of Chaturmasya (The four holy months that coincide with the monsoon in Bharat). This is the longest chapter in the collection of Ekaadashi stories with 267 lines (Sanskrit line). On average, the stories in the collection are about 56 lines. A significant part of this story is dedicated to enlightening us on the fasting rituals of various Chaturmasya fasts. Stroy of Vishnushayani Ekaadashi Yudhishthira seeks to be educated about Vishnushayani from Krishna, who then tells Yudhishthira this fascinating story that was told by Lord Brahma to Sage Naarad. Krishna recites the scene where Sage Naarad enquires about the Vishnushayani Ekaadashi from Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma enriches...